Les ressources du lundi #4
Ce lundi, on va s’intéresser à quelques articles en rapport avec le javascript. Mais on ne va pas oublier l’inspiration et les ressources.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les liens, bien entendu, mais aussi en dessous de la capture, les premières phrases de l’article de la ressource. Ainsi, vous aurez un aperçu un peu plus complet. Le mieux : lire tout l’article de la ressource ! ;-)
70+ Best Books On Web Design
These days there are so many books on the web about Design, Development, & Programming. What are the best ones ? Where Do I Begin ? Well the best place to start, is right here ! Today we go through some of the latest, and best, Design books on the web. […]
Creating an iOS-like Home Screen with CoffeeScript
Today we are going to create an iOS-like home screen using CoffeeScript – a new JavaScript based language, and the jQuery library. CoffeScript has a clean syntax that lies somewhere in between Ruby and Python. […]
jCSML – A New Cross Platform Animation Library
With mobile access and tablets, cross-platform media compatibility has become one of the most important features for new web technologies. With Adobe Flash not being supported on iOS and HTML5 not being native to earlier versions of Internet Explorer, the jCS Media Library has arrived just in time. […]
25 Inspiring Quotes for Creative People
I find one of the most effective solutions to feeling unmotivated or disinterested in what I’m doing is to read a couple of quotes from others who have been and done it. […]
40 Essential UI Design Tools For Web Designers
Web User Interface (UI) elements happen to be the entire crux associated with the matter for internet programmer not to mention designer. A designers concepts not to mention shape decisions always affect the entire end users of the site. Designing consumer interface especially within the initial levels typically is a complex thing then UI design elements may come handy.[…]
Cross-Browser JavaScript Message Library
After introducing a new dhtmlxMessage component in DHTMLX 3.0, we decided to enhance it and provide a complete solution for displaying dialog boxes on a web page. Using the code of dhtmlxMessage, we’ve created a lightweight JavaScript message library that is released under MIT license and can be used for free in any web app. […]
Custom Blog Posts Design Inspiration – 50 Amazing Examples
Creating custom blog posts can have many advantages. For starters, they look a lot better than the plain old repetitive style that normal posts have which makes your site look dynamic in the eyes of your readers who are, maybe, border with your old post style.[…]
Which responsive images solution should you use ?
There are a bunch of techniques going around for dealing with responsive images lately. That is, solutions to help us serve the right image for the occasion (e.g. size of screen and bandwidth available). […]
Inspiration : Packaging Design
Package design can be a good alternative place for finding inspiration. From textures to color schemes and typography, we can get a lot of references from packaging designs. […]
Nestled in a Lush Forest in Pennsylvania : The Seidenberg House
The Seidenberg House, designed by Metcalfe A&D, is a remodeling project of an existing mid-century dwelling. located in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. […]
Comac : Restaurant A l’Envi
Dans le village médiéval de Charroux, l’agence Comac a réalisé le réaménagement de cette grange du XVII ème siècle en restaurant. Derrière les murs de pierre enduite à la chaux se glisse la cuisine et la salle, dans deux volumes de bois, distincts et ouverts, réunis par un deck. […]
Top Tips and Tools for Creating an Infographic Resume
Infographic resumes are all the rage, and with so many people in a position of unemployment, it is not hard to see why job seekers are looking for an innovative and unique way to make themselves stand out when applying for a new job. […]
Derniers commentaires
# Le 21 juin à 13:49, par Teddy Payet
En réponse à : Home Assistant : Routine le matin avant l’école
# Le 21 juin à 10:47, par Teddy Payet
En réponse à : Ma domotique open source
# Le 16 juin à 17:15, par Eric
En réponse à : Ma domotique open source
# Le 7 mars à 09:43, par Jacques Pyrat
En réponse à : Un Nouveau Chapitre : Mon Admission dans un MBA en Intelligence Artificielle et Data Innovation
# Le 5 septembre 2023 à 15:29, par tikismoke
En réponse à : Home Assistant : Routine le matin avant l’école
# Le 30 décembre 2022 à 09:55, par Teddy Payet
En réponse à : Home Assistant : Routine le matin avant l’école